Go, walk, one step at a time, move forward from doubts to faith and don’t let the inevitable make you uneasy.
(Brother Roger, A Life We Couldn’t Hope for, 10/2/1973)

The Taizé brothers have arrived in Southern Estonia
(in Estonian)

Eesti Kirik / Autor: Kätlin Liimets / Number: 17. jaanuar 2024 Nr 2

The Taizé brothers visited the Catholic Church in Estonia
(in Estonian)

Katoliku meedia
25 JAANUAR 2024

The next stop of the pilgrimage of trust is in Tallinn
(in Estonian)

Eesti Kirik / Autor: Annely Neame / Number: 24. jaanuar 2024 Nr 3


These materials can be downloaded and shared to invite young people to the Taizé Tallinn 2024/2025 New Year meeting.